Paying It Forward With Small Acts of Kindness

“Remember there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.” – Scott Adams

Do you remember how you felt when you had a tough day and a stranger smiled at you?  Or the time you helped your neighbor carry in her groceries and how she still thanks you for it? Each of these small acts of kindness can make a huge impact on someone’s life.

Small actions often lead to giant ripples. One small action can completely change the life of someone who then pays it forward by performing a kindness for someone else. And the kindness cycle continues and grows.

A smile increases a person’s level of comfort along with making them happier. It puts you in a better mood as well. That simple smile could be the reason someone is lifted out of despair. The smile you give is the one you will receive.

Small acts of kindness can make a change in two ways; they are the motivation for others to start invoking their own small kindnesses and they have a contagious affect on others. In other words, when we carry out small acts of kindness other people see them, inspiring them to pay it forward.

Here are some ways small acts can have an impact:

1.   Donate toys to the local homeless or women’s shelter.

2.   Give flowers to someone having a difficult time in their life

3.   Cook a hot meal for a neighbor in need of a comforting meal.

4.   Volunteer at your local youth organization or youth clubs.

5.   Donate books to your local library or to children’s program.

6.   Volunteer in an elementary class as a room parent or grandparent.

7.   Send love and uplifting notes to your family to brighten their day.

Whatever you choose to do, each small act of kindness can have a huge impact on others in ways you may never imagine.

As you implement your personal best by design plan, remember that one tiny seed of kindness planted in one life today may be harvested in the lives of many others tomorrow.