About Me

Pamela Famisaran

Wellness Mentor

Designing a Healthy Life

My reason for creating the blog, "Your Personal Best by Design" was not because I was living my perfectly designed life. In thinking back on it now, my life was just the opposite, in fact, I was in search of a more balanced life for myself. I wanted to love the life I was living.

A few years ago, I started thinking about what my designed life would look like. Having a balanced and healthy lifestyle was the overall picture, but I needed to define, clarify, and envision the life I wanted to design for myself.


Mission to Help Others Achieve the Life they Love


As Dr. Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich, states, "Whatever the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve." We need to envision what we want, believe in the vision and then find ways to achieve it.

I'm a nurse by profession but have always had a passion for doing things in a more natural way. I did a lot of research on the components, I felt were important to achieve this balanced life I desired. For several years I did research on healthy nutrition, fitness and exercise, along with mindfulness and the so very important self-care component.

My mission is to help others achieve the life they love, their personal best life they have designed. It doesn't matter where you start or how slowly you progress on your journey to be the best version of yourself, the most important thing is don't give up. We are all a work in progress, celebrating our small victories along the way.

Create a Healthy Lifestyle

Pamela wrote a book entitled, “21 Ways to Be Healthier in 30 Days or Less”, a guide for creating a healthy lifestyle by making simple, but powerful changes in your daily habits.


Pamela loves to live life to its fullest, creating and living her plan to be her personal best by design.

Would You Like to Become the Best Version of Yourself?

I’ve observed that individuals spend more time on planning their weekend getaway or their annual family vacation than on creating a plan for their life. Yes, taking those relaxing vacations are one of the ways that help us create a healthy lifestyle, however, other areas of our life could benefit from a plan designed to live life to the fullest!
