
Pamela Clark Famisaran

Wellness Mentor


Become the Best Version of Yourself!

Can you envision the best version of yourself?

Ask yourself, what would that version look like?

I’ve observed that individuals spend more time on planning their weekend getaway or their annual family vacation than on creating a plan for their life. Yes, taking those relaxing vacations are one of the ways that help us create a healthy lifestyle, however, other areas of our life could benefit from a plan designed to live our life to the fullest!

Personal Blueprint


Being your personal best by design is about creating a personal blueprint for creating the best version of yourself and enjoying life to the fullest. Maya Angelou once said, "Love life. Engage in it. Give it all you’ve got. Love it with a passion because life truly does give back, many times over, what you put into it."

Are you designing your life or are you just letting life happen? My book, “21 Ways to Be Healthier in 30 Days or Less” offers life changing tips, valuable resources, and provides a guide with worksheets to help you stay on track to becoming your personal best.

Start your journey in becoming your personal best by downloading your free chapter below.

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Health, Wealth and Longevity Solutions


Pamela, a registered nurse by profession, has a passion for helping others create the life they desire for themselves.  She feels that people take more time planning their annual vacation, than planning for their life.

It’s so important for individuals to take the time to create a plan for their life. Their personal best will be created by planning, in detail, the areas important to them and implementing their plan. She enjoys helping people of any age, to become the best version of themselves.


"The ideas shared in 21 Ways to Be Healthier in 30 Days or Less encourage readers to claim their agency in making smart lifestyle choices. A registered nurse by profession, Pamela Clark Famisaran uses each chapter to provide quick tutorials about more holistic ways to care for ourselves. Whether you read a chapter a day or devote focus to one area each week, each step offers up ways of making more conscientious choices in support of your health."

Nina M. Flores PhD

"In a market where there are thousands of health books it was refreshing to pick up a book that is a quick, easy and enjoyable read. The book goes over 21 realistic everyday ways to improve your way of living. This book is a practical guide with lots of information on how to live a healthier life. I love the bold highlights at the end of each chapter - they are a reminder of the key points and great to reflect on. I am using the practices in the book and applying them in my daily healthier life."

Michelle G

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